Tried & Tested: Viridian Summer Skincare Essentials - Ultimate Beauty Skin Repair Oil & S.P.F Skin Pro-Factors Supplements

Thursday 4 July 2013

About a month ago, you may remember that I reviewed Viridian's Ultimate Beauty Complex and the matching Beauty Oil which are both supplements that I was impressed with.  They've kindly sent me two more products to try out which I've been trialling for the past couple of weeks. 

Viridian Ultimate Beauty Repair Oil* (100ml, £15.16, link)

This topical Repair Oil is a mixed blend of organic rosehip, jojoba, lavender, borage and sunflower seed oil which deeply nourishes the skin.  It can be used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and to help uneven skintones, making it ideal for using during the summer months, when our skin is on show a bit more!  I found it was also good for using on any wobbly parts to smooth the surface areas, so it's one I'll be packing in my travel bag the next time I decide to wear a bikini!  The oil itself absorbs into the skin quickly and has a pleasant light lavender scent.

Viridian S.P.F Skin Pro-Factors Supplements* (30 capsules, £15.65, link)

I've never come across supplements like these before so I was intrigued to give them a go.  They're basically a special blend of antioxidants which help to protect your skin during the summer months.  They don't replace the need to apply sunscreen topically, but the formula consists of carotenoids including astaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, alpha and beta carotenes, zeaxanthin and lutein with GliSODin, and grape seed extract to help internally protect the skin from sun-related skin damage.  Do they work?  I can't really comment because I haven't seen an instant change in my skin (I don't think you actually would in the very short term anyhow), but I like the idea of taking supplements like these in summer as a helping hand.

The full range of Viridian products can be found online and in all good health food stores.

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  1. Both these sounds great, the supplement is definitely intriguing and the oil sounds perfect!x

    1. It's a lovely oil :) The supplements are very interesting, never would have thought a product like that existed but makes sense! x


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