5 Blogging Tips that I learnt from other Bloggers

Sunday 18 May 2014

I always see people posting requests for advice about blogging on Twitter etc, and I have received the occasional email myself from readers who are interested in starting their own blog.  I'm certainly no expert when it comes to the big world of blogging, but I wanted to write a post sharing tips that I've picked up from other bloggers who helped me out when I was first started writing We Were Raised By Wolves. 

Most of these tips you may already know, but hopefully it might help those who are completely new to blogging, or people who just want a couple of common reminders if they feel stuck or unsure about something, to make a start.   

1. Write about something that you love and are interested in.
Pick a subject that you are interested in / passionate about and run with it.  It could be absolutely anything, regardless of how weird or niche it may seem to you.  Chances are if you're interested in something, then others will be too.  I chose to write about beauty because I wanted to share my thoughts about products that I'd purchased or tried out - mainly from a consumer point of view so that I could recommend certain things to others who may be interested in them.  I also like to rave about cute packaging!

2. Get organised with your content.
Once you know what to write about, get it onto your blog!  You can organise your posts in all sorts of ways using either a paper diary or drafting them in advance ready to be scheduled for the week ahead.  Try to post at least once or twice a week to start with to keep your readers interest and build it up from there.

3. Social Media is your friend.
Blogging is often seen as a very social hobby, so if you'd like to attract more readers to your blog, it pays to put in a little bit of extra time and effort by signing up to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin', Pinterest etc.  The #bbloggers hashtag is a great way to promote your blog as well as helping you to find other bloggers to chat to!

4. Don't worry about the numbers!
I see a lot of newbie bloggers who are literally obsessed with how many readers they have, to the point where they invest more of their time spamming people to ask them to follow them, instead of working on their actual blog and its content!  Try not to focus on the numbers; write your blog first and if people like what they read, they'll soon subscribe to you. 

5. Trolls and haters are a sad fact of internet life.
It's never pleasant when someone leaves a nasty comment on one of your posts or tweets something that has the potential to upset you.  Sadly, there will always be people with too much time on their hands, who are pathetic, bored or just want to incite a response from someone because they have nothing better to do.  My advice?  Delete their comments and try to ignore it.  You're far too busy being an awesome blogger to let silly things like trolls get you down :)

(And a cheeky number) 6. Consider blogging as a job?
Blogging is notoriously difficult to do as a proper full time job but it's not impossible.  For me, it's just a fun hobby that I enjoy doing - I don't make any money from it, but I do enjoy the occasional perks that pops up here and there!  If you want to consider blogging as a job though, it may be worth getting some professional advice on things like SEO, branding, and mobile adaptations etc.  Total Media, a Digital agency in London, could be a very useful first point of call. 

Do you have any blogging tips to share?

All content written by myself - contains one sponsored link.
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  1. These are some great tips totally agree with the Trolls thing i would say just dont listen to them and also maybe invest in a good camera it doesnt need to be a DSLR but something good enough that you can use to take good pictures


    1. Definitely - anything that can produce clear photos is a winner!

  2. Great post, I've just begun a new Blog and so these tips have really helped:-) Thanks!


  3. Thanks for sharing your tips! I definitely am doing well in the doing what I love and organized areas but I'm really behind on the media side of things, I was really busy the last two years of my life and just got started on bloglovin! I'm lucky that I haven't come across to many trolls on my own blog but one or two nutters who thought leaving a 2000 word piece of their 'advice' would be approved!! For now and for a while blogging probably won't be a job for me, I do make a bit of money every few months from the only advertiser I allow but otherwise I'm just happy having a blog without all the sponsers and ads! Great post Evelyn! And i'm jealous that you still have the white macbook! Mine was doing fine until it had a very bad accident two years ago and the charging port got damaged!

    1. Thanks Sharlynn - the social media side can be difficult to start up at first - I find scheduling stuff across those platforms and linking in updates really helps reduce the time etc. Sorry about your macbook - mine's really old now and I keep worrying about when I'll have to replace it! x

  4. Brilliant advice Evelyn which I am still trying to follow x

    1. Thanks Annie, you are doing brilliantly with your blog! x

  5. Great tips Evelyn. I definitely think you can tell if a blogger is passionate about what they're writing about or not.
    Water Painted Dreams xo

    1. I agree, you have to have a passion for what you're writing about otherwise what's the point?! xx

  6. Great post and great tips! This was lovely to read! :)


  7. Some really useful tips Evelyn! I definitely think you have to be genuinely interested in what you're blogging about because that is going to be the driving motivation to not just starting a blog, but continuing with it weeks, months, and even years down the track. I also agree that focusing on the quality of your content, refining your own voice and connecting with your readers is also not only more important than a blind fixation on 'numbers', but will naturally help you gain a wider, more engaged audience in the process :)

    1. Thanks! Definitely agree, I see so many people start blogs who aren't really into it from the outset and just abandon things after a couple of weeks, and others who have always been enthusiastic and now have thousands of followers! The readers definitely come after good content is posted x

  8. Hello, itz amazing how you are passionate about your blog and that gives me hope and faith. It a dream of mine to blog as a profession.


    1. Thanks, I hope your dream becomes a reality! :)

  9. Some really great tips here, really refreshing to read. Most other "blogging tips" i have read focus on how to up your numbers. I agree with you that the focus should be on your content, if that's good you should (hopefully) organically grow your readership. x

    1. Definitely, content is key to attracting readers otherwise why would they follow/subscribe?! x

  10. I have just started to a blog so these tips are really helpful, thankyou.

    hey chlxe

  11. Great post, Evelyn! Useful and honest - I agree on the fact the content and enjoying what you are doing should be priorities :)


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