Apivita Review Part 1: Aqua Vita 24H Moisturising Cream-Gel, Natural Serum, Moisturising Hand Cream & Lip Care with Honey

Friday 15 November 2013

Apivita are a Greek brand who have been around since 1979.  I'd never heard of them before they came to the UK last year, but they quickly became adored by bloggers and regular natural products lovers alike.  I've used their raved about Face Masks, but never explored the rest of their range until now.

When Apivita* got in touch with me I was thrilled (as I always am when anyone emails me regarding my blog!), but that smile got a whole lot bigger when the postman delivered this frankly enormous box of goodies.  So I've been eagerly trialling all of these out for the past month or so, and thought it would be best to split the reviews into two parts.  Naturally, this is part one!

Trivia: The name Apivita comes from the latin words APIS (bee) and VITA (life).  The logo is inspired by the bees of Malia, a rare piece of jewelery from Minoan Crete that symbolizes fertility and harmony. 
 Apivita Aqua Vita 24H Moisturizing Cream-Gel (50ml, £25, link)

This is one of their bestselling moisturisers with 98% natural ingredients and is specially formulated for oily/combination skintypes.  Apivita has replaced water in its Aqua Vita range with a Green Tea Infusion to enhance the antioxidant action of the products.  In addition to the Green Tea, this moisturiser also has Chaste Tree, Oat and Lecithin which work together to help the skin retain as much moisture as possible.  Plus, there's Propolis included as well, which is famed for its antibacterial properties that help to regulate oiliness.  The overall texture is rich, yet light, so it feels lovely to use and isn't heavy at all.  I can't really vouch for the 24 hour claim, but I can say that my skin felt hydrated and protected against the elements when I used it.  A good choice to try for the winter months ahead.
Apivita Natural Serum (15ml, £29.50, link)

A super hydrating serum packed full of Hyaluronic Acid and Bio-Active Aloe, this is like a gentle, yet effective, helping hand for dry and dehydrated skin.  Hyaluronic Acid is a wonder ingredient as it really helps to keep moisture locked into the skin and I can firmly say that this serum is amazing!  It's packaged in a blue glass bottle with a dropper, and you only need a few drops each time you use it (I use 2-3) so it will last quite a while.  The serum is light, non-oily, and quickly absorbs into the skin to do its magic.  I've used it at night and it's been helping a lot with my cheeks which are often the first area of my face to suffer (and visibly show) signs of dehydration caused by the cold weather, air conditioning/heating etc.  So far, I've been very impressed with this!
Apivita Moisturising Hand Cream (50ml, £7, link)

This is a lovely hand cream that uses Aloe, Honey, Cocoa Butter and Avocado Oil (to name a few), to offer moisturising relief to dry hands.  It has a light texture, soaks in fairly quickly and doesn't really feel greasy IMO.  I liked the fresh, subtle scent too (can detect some honey in there). 

Apivita Lip Care with Honey (4.4g, £6, link)

You know me and lip balms, I'm something of a fiend when it comes to trying them out!  This was actually the first product I used out of the box and I love it.  It's very moisturising and soothing, perfect for dry, chapped lips and it has a light, sweet-meets-citrusy/floral sort of scent to it.  Apivita do lots of different lip balms and I'm currently eyeing up the tinted ones next!

Part 2 is coming next week!

All Apivita products are free from parabens, propylene glycol, silicones, artificial colours and scents.  They feature natural compositions from 85% to 100% and use recycled materials in their packaging.  Apivita are currently available exclusively in the UK at Marks and Spencer, both in the beauty halls instores and online.

Have you tried / do you use any from Apivita?
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  1. Sounds like a great brand, I have only heard of them when it started to be stocked in M&S - ps. love your new blog layout/design x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

    1. They're lovely, I'm so impressed with everything I've tried so far! Thanks so much Heather :) x

  2. I received some of the same goodies as you. Absolutely blown away by the quality and how nice the products are to use x

    1. Me too, I knew they'd be good, but didn't expect them to be THIS good! x

  3. Waa what a generous box of products, jealous! :)) They look so lovely, too bad we don't have this brand in my country..
    I don't know is it just me but I don't see any list of ingredients of products on their side, do you maybe know where I could check that out? :) xx

    1. Never mind, I found them on their side, i didn't realize you posted a link from M&S :D

    2. Sorry to hear you can't get Apivita where you are, I'm hoping they branch out with more stockists that ship worldwide soon!

  4. Woah, all those products to try out must have kept you busy (busy bee *lame joke sorry* but I do love the box with little bees on it, it's very cute. More seriously, with the cold kicking in, the Apivita honey lip balm looks appealing and so does the natural serum. Very interesting review :)

    1. Hehe they certainly did! They're both perfect for the cold weather :) xx

  5. and another brand I want to try out, it all sounds so lovely x

  6. That serum and lip balm sounds like something I would really like. Can't wait for part 2!


  7. Definitely a brand to add to the wish list. Really informative review :)

  8. I'm trying some of their products too, It's fast becoming one of my favourite brands! x

  9. nice blog. :) would you like to follow each other? just let me know.

  10. I've always wanted to try more products from Apivita - I've really only tested out their face masks that come in the sachets and I'm a big fan! My favs are probably Carrot, Orange and Cucumber. Aloe is nice too, though I didn't love Cereals. The serum and the moisturiser sound super nice :)

    1. Yes their Express Face Masks are brilliant, I really like the Carrot and Cucumber ones too :)

  11. wow, you got so many lovely things and everything sounds amazing! The serum and lip care are especially products I'd love to try, and can't wait to see part 2! :) xx

  12. they sound like great products , fertility and Harmony sounds also good.

    1. They're great, very impressed by everything I've tried so far :)

  13. Everything looks amazing :)

  14. The serum sounds gorgeous, my cheeks are uber dry right now!

    Mayah x

    1. Sounds like it would be perfect for you! I love using it :) x


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