Review: Viridian Clear Skin Collection - The Clear Skin Cookbook, Clear Skin Complex & Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil

Thursday 6 March 2014

As much as I'm addicted to skincare products, I know that there's only so much that all of my lotions and potions can do and that real change to the skin's health and its problems, needs to come from within.  With this in mind, I'm currently trialling Viridian's Clear Skin Collection to see if it will aid my quest for flawless, blemish free skin.

You may have seen me mention Viridian in the past; they have an enormous range of supplements and fantastic company ethics.  Their 100% Organic Raw Coconut Oil and Ultimate Beauty Skin Repair Oil are favourites of mine that I use regularly in my beauty routine, and I've had good results from their Ultimate Beauty Complex and Beauty Oil in the past. 

One of my New Year resolutions was to try and sort out my skin because although it has improved since I've invested in a much better skincare routine in the past two years, I do still suffer from breakouts from time to time and have always had blemish prone skin in general.  So Viridian's Clear Skin Collection definitely looked like something I wanted to try out.

The Clear Skin Collection consists of three products; The Clear Skin Cookbook, Clear Skin Complex and Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil.
The Clear Skin Cookbook is packed full of useful information and explains concisely how important diet is to achieving good skin that's also healthy and functioning as it should be.  It's written by the renowned nutritionist, medial herbalist, chef and health expert, Dale Pinnock, and covers topics such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, how the skin ages and common skin problems.  I'd say about half of the book is information based, and half is a cookbook.  The recipes included sound delicious and easy to do.  There are a range of Soups, Starters, Main Courses, Deserts, Breakfasts and Drinks, with the majority of them being suitable for vegetarians and a handful being fish based.  I think this is a great book to pick up and I really want to make that Roasted Red Pepper and Cannellini Dip this weekend!     
The Clear Skin Complex is a vegetarian friendly food supplement which comes in easy to swallow capsules and are taken twice a day with food.  This specially formulated blend of targeted botanicals, key minerals, fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids in a base of digestion-boosting probiotics helps to clear the skin up.  What I like the most about these are those all important probiotics that help your stomach digest food properly which helps to get rid of toxins and stops them building up in your body.  I know that a lot of my breakouts are directly related to stress and hormones, both of which have an adverse affect on my stomach when they decide to play up, so I can see how the two are intrinsically linked.  As well as the probiotics, these supplements also contain key ingredients such as Zinc (which helps to reduce inflammation), Burdock Root (to cleanse the liver), Astaxanthin (protects skin cells from UV damage and has anti aging properties) and Selenium (for healthy skin development). 
A specifically formulated blend of targeted botanicals, key minerals, fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids in a base of digestion-boosting probiotics - See more at:
A specifically formulated blend of targeted botanicals, key minerals, fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids in a base of digestion-boosting probiotics - See more at:
A specifically formulated blend of targeted botanicals, key minerals, fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids in a base of digestion-boosting probiotics - See more at:
Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil provides a reliable source of Omegas 3, 6, 9, Essential Fatty Acids and Vitamin E - all of which are important for healthy skin.  I'm not a big fish fan, so I much prefer getting my Omegas from something like this.  The Clear Skin Omega Oil is 100% organic and vegan friendly as it's simply a special blend of seed oils (such as Golden Flaxseed, Pumpkin, Rosehip etc).  You only need a 5ml teaspoon of it per day and you can easily add it to things like smoothies, soups, salad dressings or take it on its own (it has a slight nutty taste).    
provides a reliable source of omegas 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids. - See more at:

Summary:  I've been taking the Clear Skin Complex and Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil for three weeks now and have mainly noticed that my skin is a lot less red than it used to be (I often get redness around my nose that I have to cover up with makeup, but it's noticeably been reduced).  I haven't seen any huge differences with regards to fewer blemishes, but I do realise that supplements can take a little while to kick in, so I'll be ordering some more once these are used up and then doing an updated post in the near future to say how I've gotten on with them.  I've made some of the recipes from The Clear Skin Cookbook (Spinach and Feta Scramble, Breakfast Smoothie, Tomato and Fennel Soup and the Morroccan Style Veggie Tagine so far!), all of which were absolutely delicious and bang on, so I'll be incorporating more of these into my diet.

The Viridian Clear Skin Collection* is priced at £36.71 and is available from Viridian Nutrition and Samsara Skin.  All of the products are also available separately.

Have you tried anything like these before?
Do you take supplements for healthy skin?

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  1. Very intrigued about all this!! The cookbook for your skin is a very cool (and probably delicious) concept! And I have that same problem with redness around my nose so I might have to try that omega oil!!
    Thanks for sharing! I am always interested in new natural skincare to try!
    The Beauty Break //

    1. Thanks Carla, it's well worth picking up! xx

  2. I have this book and loved reading it! I found it so, so interesting and have changed my diet a bit - I eat a lot more things like salmon, sweet potatoes and peppers now! I take Omega 3 and Zinc supplements for my skin xx

  3. Ahhhh thank you for this! I started taking flaxseed instead of fish oils as I wanted a vegan alternative but I think I'm going to give this a go as I'm not seeing any results from the flaxseed and this sounds more effective :)

    Danniella x

    1. This one has flaxseed in it, but as it's combined with lots of other seed oils so I think it does a better job! :) x

  4. Are you still taking these supplements and did it work for you?

    1. Hi, I'm not currently taking these at the moment as I'm trying out some similar ones from a different brand to review, but I've taken Viridian on/off over the years and they have found them useful!


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