Foodie Friday: Almond & Cranberry Fudge (Vegan / Dairy-Free recipe)

Friday 20 December 2019

Almond & Cranberry Fudge (Vegan / Dairy-Free recipe)
Rarely has a Christmas gone by where I haven't eaten what seems like my body weight in Fudge, and this year I decided to make my own to go alongside the other sweet classics of Shortbread, Chocolates and everything else...! As always, this recipe has a healthier twist to it and is both dairy-free and vegan-friendly.

There are loads of healthy fudge recipes online and whilst it won't taste the same as that classic combo of using mountains of butter and sugar, it does hit the spot when you want something sweet and indulgent to nibble on without experiencing a sugar crash later on!

Here I've used Coconut Oil and Maple Syrup instead, which transforms the fudge to an almost 'melt-in-the-mouth' texture that doesn't stick to your teeth. The addition of some tiny pieces of dried Cranberries adds further texture and flavour, and of course, an essential Christmassy vibe :)

Try it and enjoy - it's so easy to make!

Almond & Cranberry Fudge (Vegan / Dairy-Free recipe)
  • 250g Almond Butter (I used Meridian)
  • 3 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1-2 tbsp Maple Syrup, depending on your sweet tooth
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped Dried Cranberries
  • Pinch of Sea Salt

  • Line a small loaf/bread tin with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Add the Coconut Oil and Maple Syrup to a small saucepan over a low heat and gently melt for around 2-3 minutes. 
  • Next, add the Almond Butter, folding it into the melted mixture with a spatula until smooth and fully combined. Then stir in the Dried Cranberries and Sea Salt and remove from the heat.
  • Pour into the lined loaf tin and pop into the freezer to set for at least 30 minutes.
  • Remove from the freezer, lift out of the tin and carefully chop the set fudge into small bite-sized squares. Enjoy!

Storage tip: Keep in a sealed container in the fridge for a week or in the freezer for up to a month.

Almond & Cranberry Fudge (Vegan / Dairy-Free recipe)
Have you tried making a healthier type of fudge before?

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